View, Edit, or Delete a Party
If you have permissions to view parties, you can access a party's details by clicking a party record row in the Parties grid (see Parties Grid page) or via a case under the Parties tab.
Party's Page Features
The party fields are configured for your application, so this article includes a screenshot of the standard party details below to illustrate a Party's page main elements.
- Profile banner: if the party is linked to a profile record, the banner will contain a link to view the Profile page (see Create a Profile when Adding a Party). If a profile has not yet been linked, the banner will read: “There is no Profile linked to this party. Click here to create one.”.
- Case number: the number of the case associated with the party.
- Party number: a number is generated to identify the party for the case. For example, if you added another party for this case, it would be 2024-004/4.
- Link icon: click the link icon to see the details of the linked profile (see Create a Profile when Adding a Party).
- Edit button: click to update party details and fields (see the Edit a Party section below).
- Options button: access additional party actions, including the "View Record Source" and "Delete" options (see details in the View Record Source and Delete a Party sections of this article).
- Party details: all information on the party gathered on the New Party form (see Add a Party). You can edit these details by clicking the Edit button.
Edit a Party
You can edit the details of a party record from its page. If you have permission to edit party records, use the following steps to update a party:
- Click the Edit button on a party's page.
- The party's page will now be in edit mode. Use the text boxes, picklists, radio buttons, and other data input options to update the information in the party form fields.
- When you have completed your changes, click the Save button.
Delete a Party
You can delete a party record from its page. If you have permission to delete party records, click the Options () button, then select "Delete".
Allow a Portal Reporter to View a Party
If the party's case is external and you have the appropriate permissions, you can allow the individual who reported the case to access the party. This means that the reporter can log in to your application's portal and view the party for the case they added. Use the following steps to set a party as external:
- Click the Edit button on a party's page.
- Check the "Allow Reporter Access" checkbox.
- When you have completed your changes, click the Save button.
View Record Source
You can use the "View Record Source" option to monitor or troubleshoot your application’s data migrations or integrations. "View Record Source" will pull up the "Record source detail" pop-up, so you can check the system fields' values when the party was created. If the party was created by an integration or data import, you will also see the "Source Job" field and "Source Data" section in this pop-up. The "Source Data" section will show the row in the data import file that the system used to create the party. You can check out the integration log that the system recorded when it processed that data import file by clicking the link in the "Source Job" field.