Case IQ Knowledge Base

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Error Messages

During normal operation, your Case IQ application should be accessible at any time. However, you may run into error messages while using Case IQ. The list below explains why you may see the different types of error messages, based on the type of access error.

Oops! We’ve blocked your request because it came from somewhere that is not permitted.

You may have accessed the application from a third party link that was not whitelisted. Please notify your System Administrator if you run into this error after clicking on a link on a legitimate website.

Maintenance (503)

Your application is currently being updated by Case IQ developers and cannot be accessed.

Forbidden (403)

The system will not allow you to perform the action that you attempted, based on your user role. More specific errors are generally provided for the specific action.

An Error has Occurred (500)

The system has encountered a serious error. Please notify your System Administrator if you run into this error, as it should not appear during normal operation.

Bad Gateway (502)

There has been a disruption of service for your application before or after a maintenance window. Please notify your System Administrator if you run into this error, as it should not appear during normal operation.