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Add, Edit, or Delete a Holiday Calendar Date

Many date ranges can be calculated based on business days in Case IQ. For example, the system will omit weekends and holidays when adding the number of business days that a case has been open. By adding holidays in Case IQ, these dates will not be counted in any calculation of business days, including the “Total Business Days” and “Open Business Days” fields and to-do email reminders.

As holidays vary from customer to customer, you can mark holidays in your application to leave out these days in date calculations. Your holidays will not carry over a calendar year and you will need to re-enter your holidays every year. 

To review all holidays logged in Case IQ, select the “Holiday Calendar” option on the Data tab.Holiday Calendar grid.

Add a Holiday

To add a holiday in Case IQ, click the Add Holiday Calendar button to load the New Holiday form. Both the start and end dates that you enter will be omitted from any business day date calculations. Click the Save button to save the Holiday record.

Edit a Holiday

You can update a holiday record from the Holiday's page, which you can access by clicking a row in the Holiday Calendar grid. Click the Edit button and the Holiday's page will be in edit mode, so you can make changes using the text boxes and date pickers. When you have finished your updates, click the Save button.

Delete a Holiday

You can delete a holiday record from the Holiday's page. Click the Delete button on the Holiday's page.