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Add, Edit, or Delete Dialing Instructions

The Dialing Instructions page is applicable for your application if your business has a hotline on your Case IQ portal that individuals can call to get more information on submitting a case. Dialing instructions will be available for the portal user if they click the “Dialing Options” link, which will display hotline phone numbers by region. Navigate to the Dialing Instructions page by clicking the System tab in Settings, then selecting "Dialing Instructions" in the page menu.

Dialing Instructions grid in Settings under the System tab.

Add Dialing Instructions

To add your hotline number, click Add Dialing Instructions on the Dialing Instructions page and complete the following fields on the New Dialing Instruction form:

  • List Sequence: if you have multiple hotlines, enter a numerical value to set the order to sort the dialing instructions.
  • Region: the location in which the hotline phone number is applicable, which will be displayed with the phone number on the portal.
  • Phone Number: enter the phone number users should call to access the hotline.

Click Save when you have completed filling in the form.

Edit Dialing Instructions

System Administrators can update dialing instructions at any time from the dialing instruction's page.

  1. Click the Edit button. 
  2. The Dialing Instruction's page will now be in edit mode. Use the text boxes to update the information in the Dialing Instructions form fields. 
  3. When you have completed your changes, click the Save button.

Delete Dialing Instructions

If you need to permanently remove Dialing Instructions, you can delete it from the Dialing Instructions page or from the dialing instruction's page directly. 

If you only need to delete one set of dialing instructions, navigate to the dialing instruction's page. Click the Delete button at the top right of the page.

You can also delete multiple sets of dialing instructions from the Dialing Instructions grid. Select the checkbox for each row you would like to delete, then click the Delete button above the grid.