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Translate a Case

Translation Copilot  Premium Feature 
Reach out to your Customer Success Manager or Account Executive to learn more about this feature.

If your administrator has set up automatic translation (see Set Up Automatic Translation), Case IQ's Translation Copilot will automatically generate translations when a reporter submits a case in another language via your application's portal. You can check the translation status on the case's page. The Translation Copilot will translate case text fields into your application's default language.

A translated case, with a flag stating "Translation Complete".


Automatic Translation Fields Only

The Translation Copilot will only translate text fields that your administration has enabled for automatic translation.

If the Translation Copilot does not automatically translate a case, you can manually submit a case for translation using the following steps:

  1. On a case's page, click the Options () button.
  2. Click the “Submit for translation” option. 
  3. The Translation Copilot will work on generating translations for the case's text fields.


"Submit for translation" missing?

If you do not see the "Submit for translation" option for a case in another language, the Translation Copilot has not been enabled for your application. Your System Administrator can reach out to your Account Manager to turn on the Translation Copilot.

If you need to check the original text entered by the reporter, click the “View original version” link in the top banner or the Options button menu on a translated case. You can switch back to the translated text using these links as well. Users cannot edit the original or translated text in automatic translation fields.

If your application has a two-way portal, external reporters can use the Translation Copilot too. If you add a note to the case and share it with the reporter, the "Details" field will be automatically translated into the reporter's language, which will be available for the reporter when they log into your application's portal.

A note added by a internal user that is translated for the reporter.

Your system administrator may also have enabled party and custom form fields for automatic translation if those forms are available on the portal. You can check which fields will be translated for reporters by looking for the globe () and reporter () icons on parties.

A globe icon beside a party field.