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Manage a User Role

A user role defines (1) the actions that an individual can complete and (2) the pages they can access in the application with their user account. Case IQ contains a “Dynamic Action Control List” (ACL) to manage permissions and user roles, which is a hierarchy structure of permissions that allows System Administrators to grant and revoke permissions by user role. See an explanation of each ACL permission option in Access Control List. You can add, update, and edit user roles at any time. You can also ensure that no roles other than the “Super User” or “System Administrator” can manage user roles.

Add a User Role

To create a new user role, select the “User Role” option on the Access tab and click the Add User Role button. On the New User Role form, use the checkboxes in the Permissions section to adjust the entities that users with that role can access and what actions they can complete in the application (see Access Control List for an explanation of on each option). 


Can't Select an ACL Checkbox?

Check if you have clicked the "View" checkbox for the record type. A role must be granted permissions to view a record type before you can select any other actions for that record type, with the exception of cases.

Copy a User Role

If you need to create a new user role that is similar to an existing user role in the system, you can copy the existing user role. Copy a user role from its page: 

  1. Click the Edit button.
  2. Click the page menu, then select the "Save and Copy" option.
  3. If you made any changes to the existing user role, the changes will be saved to the user role. Click Confirm to proceed. 
  4. A New User Role form will be loaded, containing the same permissions as the original user role. You may make any changes to the new user role. 
  5. Click Save to finalize creating your new user role.

Edit a User Role

You can update an existing user role from its page. If you have permission to edit user roles, use the following steps to update a role:

  1. Click the Edit button on a role's page. 
  2. The user role's page will now be in edit mode. Click the checkboxes to grant or revoke permissions as needed. 
  3. When you have completed your changes, click the Save button.

Set up Case Filters

If you grant permissions to view cases, you can restrict the types of cases a user role can access on the Case Filters tab. Users will only be able to access cases that meet the criteria statements that you add for the role. 

Any “picklist” or “picklist multiple” field on both the user profile and case forms can be used in case filters to restrict access based on the user’s properties. By adding case filters for user profile fields to a user role, you can control the exact situations in which a user can view a case to mitigate the risk of information being accessed without appropriate authorization. For example, if you add a "Department" field on the user profile and case forms, you can set up a case filter to ensure users can only access a case with the same "Department" value as their user profile. See the Use the Form Builder article to learn how to add fields to standard forms. Ensure that the case and user profile picklist contain the same values, as in the screenshots below. 

The following fields are available on both the case's and user profile's department picklists: customer service, human resources, legal, and security.


Maximum Case Filters

You can add up to 10 case filters to a user role and set a maximum of 5 case fields as available for case filters.

Use the following steps to add a case filter for a user role:

  1. On a User Role’s page, click the Edit button. Then select the Case Filters tab.
  2. In the Case Filters tab, you will see a series of dropdown menus to set when accounts with the user role can access a case. The system will check that the value in the user profile picklist matches or does not match the case picklist value you choose before showing a case to a user.
    1. Select the user profile picklist or picklist multiple field on which you want to base the filter. All fields on the user profile form layout will be displayed in this dropdown menu.
    2. Indicate if the user profile picklist value should include or not include the case picklist value by selecting either “Includes” or “Does Not Include”. 
    3. Choose the case picklist field that the system should check if its value matches or does not match the user profile picklist field value. Any picklist or picklist multiple field on the case form you set as “Available for Case Filtering” in the Form Builder will be displayed in this dropdown menu. 
    4. Click the + Add Another button to add another case filter. Another row of the filter criteria will be displayed so you can set more criteria for when a user can access a case.
    5. If you create multiple filter criteria, click to toggle “All” or “Or” between the criteria statements. If you select "All", the user will not be able to access a case unless all your criteria are met. If you choose "Or", the user can access cases when at least one of your criteria are met.User's search box is labelled "a" and the case's search box is "c". Between them is a dropdown labelled "b". The "+ Add Another" button is labelled "d" and the "All" toggle is "e".
  3. Save the User Role page. Now, users with the user role will only be able to access a case per your criteria.

In the video clip example above, a case filter was added for the Department Manager role, so Department Managers will only be able to view cases with the same “Department” value as their user profile. The user profile below, Jen Cedar, will only be able to access cases where the “Department” is “Human Resources”, including case 2023-002 pictured below.

A case and user profile where the department is set to Human Resources.

Delete a User Role

You can delete a user role from its page. If you have permission to delete user roles, you can click the Delete button on a user role's page to permanently remove the role from the application.


Deleting User Roles Assigned to Accounts

You will not be able to delete user roles in which a user account is currently assigned. Before you can delete the role, update any user accounts with that user role to another role, then return to the user role's  page to delete the role.