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Release Notes v9

Check our release notes to see how we've upgraded Case IQ version 9. Our release notes document all new and updated features and continuous improvements introduced in each version release.


February 21, 2025

New and updated features:

  1. Record linking updates: expanded record linking functionality, so users can link a case's records, such as parties, files, and notes, when creating them (see Link a Case's Records). Previously, you could only add links between existing records.
  2. Data import updates: expanded the data import functionality, so you can migrate data into cases, emails, files, notes, parties, profiles, to-dos, user profiles, and any custom forms from a legacy source system into Case IQ (see Add or Edit a Data Import and Import File Attachments in Bulk). In prior versions, you could only import data into profiles and data form entries.
    1. Added "Identify Relationship" mapping, so you can map records, such as parties, files, and notes, to cases based on a source system field.
    2. Added user lookup functionality, so you can map data to user fields. The system will look for and populate information for a user in your Case IQ system.
    3. Added support for.xlsx data files.
    4. Added capability to delete records in bulk by running a data import (see Update or Delete Records in Bulk).
    5. Updated integration logs, so you can download their event logs (see View the Integration Log).
  3. View access to related cases updates: added "Request Access" option, so users can request to join a case's investigative team (see Link Related Cases, Manage a Team for a Case, and Request Access to a Case). This allows teams to collaborate on cases without having to manage access controls. 

Accessibility updates: 

As part of our effort to enhance Case IQ's accessibility (see details in our Accessibility Statement), we updated the interface to comply with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.2 (WCAG).

  1. Added a show or hide icon to password fields, so you can check the password you typed in. Passwords will be hidden by default.
  2. Added checkmarks and X’s beside password requirements on the Change Password page.
  3. Updated the Change Password and Create Signature buttons colors for more contrast.
  4. Fixed focus order for: 
    1. Global search menu.
    2. Options button menu.
    3. Create New List pop-up.
    4. Columns menu for grids.
    5. Export button on grids.
    6. Search Parties button on the New Email and New Party forms.
  5. Updated grid column headers so you can see and use the sort icons with keyboard navigation.
  6. Updated grid filters so screenreaders can read out the filter name. Previously, screenreaders could only read out the value selected in the filter.
  7. Updated page titles to match each page header, so screenreaders can read out the page title. 
  8. Updated the small help text on forms and the calendar page from light to dark grey to have sufficient contrast.
  9. Updated the Send To and CC fields on the New Email form to include placeholder text and tooltips.
  10. Updated the link color to be visible in banners. 
  11. Removed unnecessary underlines from various links and icons.

General improvements:

  1. Added pips to tabs on case and profile pages. Pips indicate the number of records in each tab.
  2. Added "Link Records on Creation" option in Settings, so administrators can choose to allow users to link records when creating them (see Update Application Options).
  3. Added "Case Linking" option in Settings, so administrators can choose if the system suggests links between cases based on all parties or just their primary parties (see Update Application Options).


January 10, 2025

New and updated features:

  1. Summarization Copilot case fields: added a "Copilot" field type, which administrators can add to the case form using the Form Builder (see Edit a Standard Record Type). Copilot fields can generate the following types of content for a case using Case IQ's Copilot AI functionality: 
    1. Executive summary: high level summary of the case.
    2. Recommendation: suggestions of relevant policies from the organization’s library based on the case details.
    3. Timeline: list of all events that have happened during the case and investigation.
  2. View access to related cases: added the “View limited case details” permission, which allows users to view, approve, and deny suggested links between a case to which they have access and another case that they do not (see Access Control List and Link Related Cases). This provides investigators with additional context on a case related to their investigation without granting them full access.
  3. Record linking: expanded linking functionality, so users can link a case's records, such as parties, files, and notes, to show a relationship between them (see Link a Case's Records).
  4. Data import updates: improved the data import mapping interface and added support for.txt and pipe-delimited data files (see Add or Edit a Data Import). 

Accessibility updates: 

As part of our effort to enhance Case IQ's accessibility (see details in our Accessibility Statement), we updated the interface to comply with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.2 (WCAG).

  1. Added accessible text to the menu, sidebar, and search buttons shown in mobile view. 
  2. Added an “Invalid date” tooltip for when a user enters a date in an incompatible format.
  3. Updated keyboard focus to automatically move to any error messages, so screenreaders can read the error. 
  4. Updated keyboard focus color, so it is not dependent on the user's theme and will always meet color contrast standards.

General improvements:

  1. When a custom form is deactivated, any pending scheduled rules for that entity will now be cancelled.


November 22, 2024

New and updated features:

  1. Field groups: added a form component, called field groups, so users can quickly add a group of linked fields to capture a person or location. Administrators can add field groups to any record type using the Form Builder (see Use the Form Builder).

General improvements:

  1. Added two new field types to the Form Builder (see Use the Form Builder: Field Types):
    1. ID Number: a text field that will remove any leading or trailing spaces in the value a user enters. 
    2. Country: a picklist field with a shared set of country options, regardless of the form to which you add it. You can add country options from the Picklists page in Settings. 
  2. Added a new “Portal 2 Way Updates” option in Settings, so administrators can make it mandatory for reporters to create an account when they submit a case via the portal (see Configure Your Application's Portal: Make Reporter Account Creation Mandatory or Optional).
  3. Added a daysBetween function for Case IQ's expression language, ISEL, so the system calculate the number of business days between two dates in expressions (see Case IQ Expression Language).
  4. Added a “Warning” status for integration log entries, which indicate that the integration task succeeded but with minor issues, e.g. “Warning: Field ‘PhoneNumber’ is missing, default value applied.”


October 7, 2024

General improvements:

  1. Updated the Form Builder’s sub text field, so the system automatically detects URLs and creates hyperlinks in the field’s sub text (see Use the Form Builder: Field Type Properties).


Aug 29, 2024

New and updated features:

  1. Entity grids: added a form component, called entity grids, so users can quickly add and review records directly on the case form. Administrators can add entity grids to the case form using the Form Builder (see Add an Entity Grid to the Case Form).
  2. New in-app portal configuration options: added the "enablePortal" and "portalSubmissionAccess" settings in Options, so administrators can activate and deactivate their portal and two-way communication, without Case IQ intervention (see Configure Your Application's Portal). These options will only be displayed if your application deployed with a two-way portal.
  3. SFTP data forms: updated the "New Data Import" form, so administrators can set up an SFTP integration to import data into data form entries (see Add or Edit a Data Import). Previously, you could only set up data imports for profiles.
    1. Added a "Validate a data file" option to data imports, so administrators can check if a data file can be properly imported before processing it.
    2. Added a "Import data" option to data imports, so administrators can immediately import one data file, without adding a “Schedule Process” rule
    3. Updated rules so administrators can deactivate them to stop their actions from triggering. This means administrators do not have to delete the rule to stop its actions (see Edit, Deactivate, or Delete a Rule: Activate or Deactivate a Rule).
    4. Added options to the "Frequency" field on the New Rule form when setting up a "Schedule Process" rule: "Last calendar day of the month", "Calendar quarterly", and "Fiscal quarterly".

General improvements:

  1. Updated Yellowfin, so users can set their timezone for their Yellowfin profile without Case IQ intervention.
  2. Updated the design of several elements in the application. We focused on grids, including:
    1. Replacing the search bar with a button, so the search box is only displayed when the user clicks the search button. 
    2. Moving the search button, so it is the first button on the left.
    3. Updating the “Done” button in the filter and column menus to “Update Filters” and “Update Columns” respectively.
    4. Slightly decreasing the space around the search button, filter button, and filters. 
  3. Renamed “Favorites” to “Bookmarks”.
  4. Updated the Translation Copilot to allow users to manually submit a form for translation 3 times by default, instead of just once. Users will see an error message when they have exceeded the limit, which is configurable with the new "maxRecordTranslationLimit" setting (see Update Application Options).
  5. Removed the Statistics page in Settings, permissions for the Statistics page, and the Link Statistics entity.
  6. Added subtext to the “Allow Reporter Access” checkbox on external cases' records to explain that this option will grant the reporter access to the record. Added a warning pop-up when the user attempts to save a record when “Allow Reporter Access” is checked as well. 
  7. Updated Money fields to allow 13 leading digits instead of 9.
  8. Added new field type, “Party Selection Multiple”, so users can choose multiple parties in a single field (see Use the Form Builder: Field Types). 
  9. Added a “sequence” field for Teams, so administrators can choose how teams are ordered in the Team picklist (see Add, Edit, or Delete a Team). 
  10. Removed colon character (“:”) from generated passwords to avoid confusion in password generation emails.
  11. Updated the "Country Code" box and “Fixed Country Code” property for "Phone Number" fields to dropdowns, so users can select a country code from a list of supported countries, rather than typing in a country code (see Use the Form Builder: Field Type Properties). Also, updated the Dialing Instructions phone number field to a text box, so users can enter any kind of phone number, including toll free numbers. 


Jul 5, 2024

New and updated features:

  1. Summarization Copilot edit functionality: updated the Summarization Copilot, so users can edit generated summaries (see Generate a Summary for a Case).

General improvements:

  1. Updated the Form Builder to resolve common errors in publishing and editing forms.
  2. Updated the design of several navigation elements in the application, including:
    1. Replacing page menus with a separate, full-sized Options button on all forms.
    2. Moving the Delete option to the Option button menu on all forms
    3. Updating the Add button on the case's page from “+” to "+ Add ”.
    4. Realigning and removing extra space in all page headers.
  3. Updated packet generation to allow users to select previously generated documents in the Included Files section of the New File form. 
  4. Updated the system default party type from “Complaint” to “Complainant”. 
  5. Updated the text in the Data Import page pop-ups.
  6. Updated the “partyAutoBlacklist” settings option to “partyAutoDeniedList” and updated its description to replace the term “blacklist” with “denied access".
  7. Added an “Or” option for filtering picklist multiple, phone number multiple, email multiple, team multiple, textbox multiple, and user multiple fields in grids, so users can filter for any values they selected, rather than all of them. 
  8. Added the following languages as options on the Languages page, as Microsoft Azure has expanded support for these languages since we released v9.5:
  • Amharic
  • Assamese
  • Azerbaijani
  • Bangla
  • Bashkir
  • Basque
  • Bosnian
  • Cantonese
  • Chinese (Traditional)
  • Dari
  • Faroese
  • Fijian
  • Galician
  • Hausa
  • Hmong Daw
  • Igbo
  • Inuktitut (Latin)
  • Kannada
  • Kazakh
  • Kinyarwanda
  • Kyrgyz
  • Malagasy
  • Maori
  • Marathi
  • Nepali
  • Odia
  • Punjabi
  • Queretaro Otomi
  • Samoan
  • Serbian (Cyrillic)
  • Sindhi
  • Sinhala
  • Tamil
  • Tatar
  • Telegu
  • Tibetan
  • Tigrinya
  • Tongan
  • Turkmen
  • Upper Sorbian
  • Uyghur (Arabic)
  • Xhosa
  • Yoruba
  • Yucatec Maya
  • Zulu


May 24, 2024

New and updated features:

  1. Translation Copilot: added the Translation Copilot, which can automatically generate translations when cases, parties, notes, and custom forms are submitted (see Set Up Automatic Translation, Translate a Case, Translate a Party, and Translate a Form Record).
    1. Added “Submit-Only” input method for standard and custom form fields and “Automatic translation” property for text area, textbox, and text editor fields on the Form Builder.
    2. Added “Submit for translation” option for cases, parties, notes, and custom forms and permissions at the general case, case owner, and investigative team member levels.
    3. Added “Submitted Language” field for cases, parties, notes, and custom forms to capture the language of the user who submitted the form.
  2. Summarization Copilot: added the Summarization Copilot, so users can generate a brief or detailed summary of their case investigations (see Generate a Summary for a Case). 
    1. Added Summary tab to case’s page, so users can see published case summaries.
    2. Added Summary Draft page, so users can review the summaries generated by the Summarization Copilot before publishing them.
    3. Added “Generate Summary” permission options at the general case, case owner, and investigative team member levels.
  3. SFTP Profiles: added "Data Imports" page in Settings, where administrators can set up an SFTP profile integration to import data into their application (see Add or Edit a Data Import). Added "Data Import" permissions to control who can add, edit, view, and delete data imports.
    1. Added “Schedule Process” rule type and “SFTP Data Import” rule action, so administrators can schedule a data import for processing. 
    2. Updated “Notification” rule actions, so they can be added to “Schedule Process” rules.
  4. Pre-existing dynamic fields: updated platform to allow our developers to load applications with dynamic fields, sections, and tabs on standard and custom forms before deployment.

General improvements:

  1. Added a “Language” field to system notifications, so the system can send notifications in the user's language.
  2. Updated notifications so case owners receive updates when an external user adds notes to their case. 
  3. Updated Form Builder pop-up headers to be consistent. When adding a field or layout element, the pop-up header will only include the field or element name.


Apr 12, 2024

New and updated features:

  1. Custom forms on portal intake: added the "Show on Portal" form property to custom forms, so administrators can allow reporters to add custom forms when submitting a new case via the portal (see Use the Form Builder: Edit a Form's Properties).
    1. Added the "Allow Reporter Access" checkbox to custom forms, so internal users can share an external case’s custom forms with portal users (see View, Edit, or Delete a Form Record). This allows investigators and reporters to communicate after the case is submitted.
  2. Closed case access restriction: added “Edit a Closed Case” permissions at the general case, case owner, and investigative team member levels, so administrators can ensure cases are not updated after closure (see Restrict Access to Closed Cases). Also, added the “Case State” system field to the case form (see Static Field Glossary).
  3. View record source: added the “View Record Source” option to cases, profiles, parties, notes, to-dos, files, and custom forms, so users can see the system fields populated when the record was created, the integration job that created the record, and the source data used to create the record. 
    1. Added the “Source Job” field to all forms (see Static Field Glossary).
    2. Added the “View Source Data” permission for the “View Record Source” option (see Access Control List). 
  4. Picklist multiple field upgrade in Yellowfin: updated picklist multiple fields to store each selection separately, rather than as a list, so individual picklist multiple selections will be displayed in reports.

General improvements:

  1. Updated data dictionary files:
    1. Updated composite IDs to include the section's name in its row.
    2. Removed the following columns: “Tab Caption”, “Section Caption”, and “Data Form Section Caption”.
    3. Added the “Translation Composite ID” column for the default language of the app, which includes the translations key for each row.
    4. Updated the “Form Type”, “Form Status”, and “Layout Type” columns to show the translated value of the field.
    5. Removed the “Show on Hotline” columns for forms, fields, sections, tabs, and data forms.  
  2. Updated the Field Type sidebar in the Form Builder to sort field types and layout elements alphabetically. 
  3. Updated the user, user multiple, workflow criteria, investigative team member, and denied access list fields, so screen readers can read out each option when it is selected.


Feb 28, 2024

New and updated features:

  1. Languages page: added a "Languages" page in Settings, so administrators can easily add and delete the language options for their application (see Add or Delete a Language). When an administrator adds a language option, the system will send them a notification when it has finished adding rows to the Translations grid.
  2. Form configuration limits increase: updated the configuration limits for forms, so administrators can add up to 250 fields on a form and 3,500 picklist options in their application (see Use the Form Builder for how to add fields and picklists).
  3. Yellowfin view performance upgrades: optimized Yellowfin view refresh time by 15% performance.

General improvements:

  1. Added the “Migration” picklist option to the Event Type and Record Sources picklists.
  2. Updated the keyboard navigation order for pop-ups on the portal. Tab navigation now starts at the top of pop-ups, with the “X” button. Previously, the tab order started with the attachment’s delete button.
  3. Aligned the “Editable”, “Computed”, and “Aggregate” radio buttons for fields on the Form Builder vertically to improve readability. Descriptions are provided under each input method.


Jan 12, 2024

New and updated features:

  1. Data dictionary: added the Data Dictionary page, so administrators can download configurations of the application’s active forms, fields, display rules, case links, and notifications in a CSV file (see Generate a Data Dictionary File). All information in the file will be formatted in easy-to-read text. 
  2. “Last Workflow Status” and “Primary Party" in Yellowfin: updated the “Last Workflow Status” and “Primary Party” fields in Yellowfin, so you can see the status (i.e. Open or Closed) and person’s name respectively in your reports, rather than IDs.
  3. Include context emails in notification rules: added “Include context email” option for notification rule actions, where you can select any email or email multiple fields on the record type for which you are creating the rule (see Add a Rule to set up notification rule actions).

General improvements:

  1. Fixed notifications about profiles, so users who do not have view permissions for profiles but receive a notification concerning a profile will not be able to access the profile. They will see an “Access denied” error, similar to cases.


Nov 24, 2023

New and updated features:

  1. Views: added Views page, where you can save multiple grid configurations (see Use the Views Page). You can add filters and columns to show data in the Views grid, then save your grid configuration as a "view" to access it later. Download the view data by exporting it to .CSV.
  2. Field level edit restrictions: added “Save Restricted Fields” or “Create Restricted Fields” user role permissions and “Restrict Edit” field property for case, party, profile, and custom form fields, so administrators can set up restricted fields, which can only be edited by users with the new “Save Restricted Fields” or “Create Restricted Fields” permissions (see Access Control List for the permissions and Use the Form Builder: Add a Field for "Restrict Edit" field property)

General improvements:

  1. Optimized case submission processes to decrease average case submission time by 14%.
  2. Added “Select All” and “Clear All” options for picklist multiple fields on forms.
  3. Updated portal landing page headers, so they are consistently read in order by screen readers.
  4. Updated portal tool tips so they can be read by screen readers.
  5. Improved color contrast for selected elements on the portal.
  6. Updated “Upload a File from your Computer” button, so you can hit “Enter” to load the file browser.
  7. Improved icon and color contrast for a file attachment’s Delete button.
  8. Added underlines to current page tabs, so you can easily tell which primary and secondary tabs you are in.


Oct 13, 2023

Data forms updates: 

  1. Updated data forms to generate default columns for their Advanced Search pop-up when they are first published (the data form’s first 10 fields). When you import a new data form section into an application, the system will also generate the default columns. Data form section grid configuration defaults cannot be exported (see Auto-Populate Form Sections).
  2. Removed the system fields from data form section search results and their Advanced Search grid columns and filters. 
  3. Updated data form section search results so fields will be in the same order as they are on the data form. 


Aug 31, 2023

New and updated features:

  1. Data forms and auto-populate: added a form type, called data forms, which you can use to fill in a form section with pre-existing information (see Auto-Populate Form Sections). After an administrator adds a data form section to a form, such as the New Case form, users can search for and select data entries to populate the data form’s fields. Administrators can set the data form section as read-only, so users cannot edit text after populating it into a form (see Set up a Data Form).
  2. Custom, party, and file forms on intake: added the "Show on intake" form property to custom and party forms and the "filesFormOnIntake" setting in Options, so administrators can allow users to add custom forms, parties, and files when submitting a new case (see Use the Form Builder: Edit a Form's Properties for custom and party forms and Update Application Options for the file form).
  3. Required forms criteria: added “Case Submission Rule” standalone rule type, so administrators can set required forms when submitting a case via the internal or portal case intake form (see Add, Edit, or Delete a Case Submission Rule). Similarly, added new workflow step criteria, “The following forms must be added to the case”, where administrators can select the types of forms that must be added to a case before it can be moved from one status to another (see Add a Workflow: Steps).
  4. Hotline agent intake form: added an external case intake form tailored for hotline agents to submit cases on behalf of callers. The hotline intake form features a streamlined and intuitive interface and script for agents to follow while on a call.
  5. Hotline agent user role: added a “Hotline Agent” user role, with which hotline agents can add cases and parties via the hotline intake form.
  6. Hotline SSO instance: updated system to allow your application to have an additional SSO integration for hotline agents, configured by the Case IQ team.
  7. Continuous case aging: updated the “Open Business Days”, “Open Calendar Days”, “Total Business Days”, and “Total Calendar Days” case fields to begin calculating as soon as a case is created.
  8. Global data and time format options: added "dateFormat", "dateTimeFormat", and "timeFormat" settings on the Options page, so administrators can set the application’s date, date and time, and time formats (see Update Application Options).

General improvements:

  1. Added “Months” option to “Delay” field for workflow and standalone scheduled rules.
  2. Added a system-generated case field, “Intake Method”, which documents where the case was submitted: Hotline, Email, Capture, or Portal.
  3. Renamed the the “Custom Forms” page menu option in Settings to “Forms”.
  4. Sorted the Settings page menu options in alphabetical order.
  5. Added a confirmation pop-up when submitting the New Case form.
  6. Added a new field type for Form Builder, “Text Editor”, which is a text area that offers rich text formatting options. 
  7. Added read-mode on the Form Builder, so you can click to see its field's properties without going into edit mode.
  8. Updates to stabilize configuration exports and imports.
  9. Added an expanded Form Builder sidebar view.
  10. Redesigned the icons for the main action buttons - edit form, save form, add/remove grid columns, etc.


May 1, 2023

New and updated features:

  1. Dynamic grid filters: added dynamic filters to grids so you can you can now choose how to filter grid data rather than being restricted to the default filters (see Configure a Grid: Filter Grid Data for more)
  2. Updated external portal design: improved accessibility of the portal.
    1. Reorganized Report Online wizard to display all fields in one form
    2. Moved the terms and conditions to a pop-up. 
    3. Condensed portal landing page descriptions. 
    4. Added a link to Case IQ’s portal privacy policy. 
    5. Added help text for parties and files grids. 
    6. Revised the Report Online submission confirmation pop-ups.
  3. Two-way portal functionality: updated portal so that reporters can create accounts when they submit a case, with which they can log in to see updates on cases they reported. 
    1. Added the "Allow Reporter Access" checkbox to the party, file, and note forms, so internal users can share an external case’s parties, files, and notes with portal users (see on View, Edit, or Delete a Party, Download, Share, Edit, or Delete a File, and View, Edit, or Delete a Note). This allows investigators and reporters to communicate after the case is submitted.
  4. External picklist options: added the “External” checkbox to picklist options, so administrators can choose to show specific picklist options to portal users (see Configure a Picklist and Picklist Option: Edit or Delete a Picklist Option). This option will only be available for picklists available on your application's portal.
  5. Portal configurations: added settings on the Options page so administrators can configure several elements of their portal (see Update Application Options).
    1. "anonymousPortalUsers": allow portal users to submit cases without providing their name or email address.
    2. "portalNoDataWarning": choose if the portal should warn users if they have attempted to submit a case without adding a party or file record.
    3. "showCustomPrivacyStatement": choose to show a link to a custom privacy statement on the portal in addition to the standard Case IQ portal privacy policy. 
      1. You can set a custom privacy policy using the following rows on the Translations page: "customer_privacy_policy", "customer_privacy_policy_title", and "customer_privacy_statement_link_text".
    4. "showDialingReportTermsAndConditions": show the Dialing Report Terms and Conditions pop-up after the user clicks the Dialing Instructions button on the portal landing page. 
      1. You can edit the Dialing Report Terms and Conditions pop-up text using the following rows on the Translations page: "dialing_instructions_terms_and_conditions" and "dialing_instructions_terms_and_conditions_title". 
  6. Disable email and phone portal reporting options: added “allowDialingReport” and “allowEmailReport” settings on the Options page, so administrators can choose to hide the phone and email reporting buttons on their application’s portal landing page (see Update Application Options).
  7. Automated case links: added "Case Linking" property to "case selection" fields, so users can create links between cases directly from the New Case form or a case’s page with a “case selection” field (see Link Related Cases: Add an Automatic Link for details on using case selection fields).
  8. Configuration limit indicators: added standardized configuration limits to clearly communicate the maximum number of fields and picklist options that administrators can add to forms (default 100 fields per form and 2000 picklist options per application) (see Use the Form Builder for how to add fields and picklists).
  9. Assign to me: added “Assign to me” option so users can quickly give themselves responsibility for a case or to-do. The “Assign to me” option will appear under the “Assign to” field on the New Case form, and “Responsible” field on the to-do form. 

General improvements:

  1. Workflow notifications can now be sent externally to parties by party type.
  2. Sort the “Sequence” field in ascending order in the Workflow Steps grid.
  3. Updated Advanced Search examples.
  4. Revised Case Number Format page help text.
  5. Added a down arrow beside the “Forms” option in the case’s page “+” button menu.
  6. Option to set a default value for a picklist or picklist multiple field.