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Print Case Details

You can print a paper copy of case details or save as a PDF from Case IQ if needed. 


PII Warning

Cases usually contain Personally Identifiable Information (PII), so it is recommended to print as little data as possible.

You can print case details from a case's page using the following steps:

  1. From a case's page, click the page menu.
  2. Click the “Print” option.
  3. Select the information to print by case's page tab and sub-tab, then click the Print button.
  4. Your browser will load a print preview window, where you can proceed to print the pages. To save a copy of the case details as a PDF, select "Save as PDF" in the "Destination".


Other Options for Case Summaries

You can also create formatted case summary files by using the Generated Document feature. By adding a "Generated Document" file type for a case, Case IQ will populate a case's information into a template file. See details on adding Generated Document files in the Add a File article.