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Update Application Options

On the Options page in Settings, you can review and configure simple settings of your application and set up integrations with other applications. The Options grid contains the following columns:

  • Key: the option name used in the system. 
  • Description: an explanation of the option functionality and the different settings you can choose.
  • Value: the setting for the option or what the system is currently doing with regards to the option.
Options grid in Settings under the System tab.

Update an Option

To make changes to setting options:

  1. Change the value for the option rows you want to update using the text box, radio buttons, or dropdown field. You can make changes to multiple options at the same time. Options you update will have a pencil icon () beside the value.
  2. After making changes to the options displayed in the grid, the Save and Cancel buttons become active. When you are finished updating the application options, you can either:
    1. Click Save to implement the changes. The options you updated will have a checkmark () beside the value.
    2. Click Cancel to discard the updates and revert to your previous settings. 
  3. Your changes will not take effect immediately after saving and you may need to refresh the page. The default refresh interval for options changes is 15 minutes, however this may be configured for your application.

Glossary of Case IQ Options

See a description of each option you can enable, disable, or update in the table below, excluding the Twilio options, which are described in Twilio Integration

Key Description of Values
Allow Dialing Reporting Choose to show or hide the Dialing Instructions Reporting option on your application's portal landing page.
Allow Email Reporting Choose to show or hide the Email Reporting option on your application's portal landing page.
Anonymous Portal Users Allow portal users to create an external account without providing their name or email address.
Auto Calculate Open to Closed Days Set if the system should calculate the number of business and calendar days based on the day that the case was opened to the day it closed.
Auto Case Suggest Links

Enable one of the following four settings regarding automatic case link suggestions, which are described below.

  1. “Frontend”: the Suggested Links pop-up will be displayed when the case is submitted and the user will be navigated to the ”Related Cases" tab on the case's page.
  2. “Backend”: the system will search for Suggested Links in the background after a case is submitted or when a related field is edited on a case. However, the Suggested Links pop-up will not be displayed when a case is submitted. 
  3. “Frontend & Backend”: the Suggested Links pop-up will be displayed when a case is submitted and the user will be navigated to the ”Related Cases" tab on the case's page. The system will also search for Suggested Links in the background when a related field is edited on a case.
  4. “None”: Case IQ will not suggest links between cases without being prompted by a user. Users must click the Suggest Links button on a case's page ”Related Cases" tab to run a Suggested Links search.
Auto Child Suggest Links

Enable one of the following four settings regarding automatic record link suggestions, which are described below.

  1. “Frontend”: the Suggested Links pop-up will be displayed when a record is submitted and the user will be navigated to the “Related Cases” tab of the case with which the system has found a link.
  2. “Backend”: the system will search for Suggested Links in the background after a record is submitted or when a related record field is edited. However, the Suggested Links pop-up will not be displayed when a record is submitted. 
  3. “Frontend & Backend”: the Suggested Links pop-up will be displayed when a record is submitted and the user will be navigated to the “Related Cases” tab of the case with which the system has found a link. The system will also search for Suggested Links in the background when a related record field is edited.
  4. “None”: Case IQ will not suggest links between cases and records without being prompted by a user. Users must click the Suggest Links button on a case's page ”Related Cases" tab to run a Suggested Links search.
Base Language Select the default language used when no user context is available or is shared, e.g. emails.  
Case Capture Redirect When a case has been added, you can select whether users should be routed to the Case’s page or the Cases grid.  
Case Number Expression If you have set the “Case Number ISEL Enabled” option to yes, enter the expression that the system should evaluate to assign case numbers. See the Case Number Format article for details on writing dynamic case number format ISEL expressions.
Case Number ISEL Enabled Enable to set up a dynamic case number format, meaning that Case IQ will contextually generate case numbers based on case intake information. See the Case Number Format article for details on creating a dynamic case number format.
Case Number Month Format

Choose how or if to indicate the month the case was created in case numbers using one of the following options:

  • None: do not include the month in which the case was created in case numbers.
  • Month Abbreviation: include the three-letter abbreviation of the month the case was added in all capital letters. For example, if a case is added in February, the month abbreviation will be “FEB”.
  • Full Month: include the full month name in which the case was added. For example, cases added in November will contain “November” in the case number.
  • Two-Digit Month: include a two-digit number to indicate the month in which the case was added, presented as the month's numerical order on the calendar year. For example, if the case was added in April, the two-digit month number will be “04”.
Case Number Prefix Enter text you want the system to add to the beginning of each case number. For example, if you type “Incident” in the “Case Number Prefix” field, all cases added following this change will start with “Incident”.
Case Number Separator Enter the text you want the system to use to separate case number components. For example, if you set a period as the “Case Number Separator” and choose “Incident” as the “Prefix”, your case numbers would be in the following format: “Incident.0000”. Enter up to 3 characters without spaces.
Case Number Sequence Min Size Choose the digit length of the case number count. Other case number components, such as the prefix, month, or year, will not be counted in the minimum sequence size. If the number of cases in the current case number sequence period is shorter than the digit minimum you set, the system will add zeros to the beginning of the case number count until it is the minimum sequence size. For example, if you set the minimum sequence size as “4”, the first case number count in the sequence will be “0001”. 
Case Number Sequence Period

Set when the case number count will roll over or start the sequence again at 1 using one of the following options:

  • None: the count will never reset.
  • Calendar Year: reset the count on January 1 of each year. 
  • Fiscal Year: reset the count on the first day of the fiscal calendar, as set in the application options (see the “Fiscal Year Start Month” option in this table). For example, if the “Fiscal Year Start Month” field is set to April, the case number count will reset to 1 on April 1 of each year.
  • Fiscal Quarter: reset the count on the first day of each fiscal quarter based on the “Fiscal Year Start Month” set in your application (see the “Fiscal Year Start Month” option in this table). For example, if the “Fiscal Year Start Month” field is set to April, the case number count will reset to 1 on April 1, July 1, October 1, and January 1 of each year.
Case Number Year Format

Choose how or if to indicate the year in which the case was created in case numbers using one of the following options:

  • None: do not include the year in which the case was created to case numbers.
  • Two-Digit Year: include the last two digits of the year the case was created. For example, if a case is added in 2021, the two-digit year will be “21”.
  • Four-Digit Year: include all digits of the year the case was created. For example, cases added in 2021 will contain “2021” in the case number.
Case Linking Choose if the system should suggest links between cases based on (1) all the case's records, (2) all the cases' parties, but not other record types, or (3) just their primary parties.
Create Profile After Party If there is no corresponding profile for a party, enable to display the option to create a profile using the party information on the party’s page. 
Customer Name Enter the text to display beside your custom privacy statement link on your application's portal. Read How to Configure Your Application's Portal for details.
Date Format Choose the format Case IQ should use for date fields, e.g. “DD/MM/YYYY”. Changing the format will update how all date fields are displayed in the application.
Date Time Format Choose the format Case IQ should use for date and time fields, either the 24-hour or 12-hour clock for time, e.g. “YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM am/pm”. Changing the format will update how all date and time fields are displayed in the application.
Dirty Form Handling Enable to display a confirmation modal when a user is navigating away from a form without saving changes. 
Enable Portal Activate or deactivate your application's external portal. This option will only be available if your application deployed with a portal.
Enable Similar Party Search Enable to allow users to access the Similar Parties functionality (see Add a Party: Populate the New Party Form) to search for existing party records with similar information when adding a new party record to autofill the New Party form. 
Files Form on Intake Show the file form on the New Case form, so users can attach files when adding a case.
Fiscal Year Start Month Select the month that the fiscal year begins for your organization. The starting month you set will be used in calculations for the following case fields: “Created Fiscal Year”, Created Fiscal Month”, “Created Fiscal Quarter”, “Created Fiscal Week”, “Closed Fiscal Year”, Closed Fiscal Month”, “Closed Fiscal Quarter”, and “Closed Fiscal Week”. 
Link Records on Creation Allow users to link records when they are creating them.
Max Record Translation Limit Set the maximum number of times a user can manually submit a form for translation. Users will see an error message when they have exceeded the limit set here. This option will only be available if the Translation Copilot is activated for your application.
Party Auto Denied List If enabled, the system will automatically block a user from a case if a party record is created with an email address that belongs to a Case IQ user. Turning on this option will block users from joining the investigative team if their email matches one of the case’s parties. Even if the partyAutoDeniedList option is later turned off, affected users will remain blocked from cases. 
Portal 2 Way Updates Set if it optional or mandatory for reporters to create an account when they submit a case via the portal.
Portal Address Set the email address for email case submission via the application's portal. External users can then send emails to this address to create a case in Case IQ. 
Portal No Data Warning Choose if the portal should warn portal users if they have attempted to submit a case without adding a party or file record. This option will not be displayed if your application can display custom forms on the portal.
Portal Submission Access Set your application's portal as one-way or two-way. Two-way portals allow reporters to create an account after they submit a case, so they can log in to your portal and see updates on the case they submitted. One-way portals only allow reporters to submit cases. This option is only available if your application is deployed with a two-way portal.
Prompt User to Create Profile When users create a party, enable to allow the system to ask users if they would like to create a profile using the newly created party’s information. 
Show Custom Privacy Statement

Choose to show a link to a custom privacy statement on the portal landing page. You can set a custom privacy policy via the Translations page. Look for rows containing the following “Keys” in the Translations grid and enter information on the privacy policy in the row's “Translations” column (read How to Configure Your Application's Portal for details): 

  • customer_privacy_policy
  • customer_privacy_policy_title
  • customer_privacy_statement_link_text
Show Dialing Report Terms and Conditions

Show the Dialing Report Terms and Conditions pop-up after the user clicks the Dialing Instructions button on the portal landing page. If this option is enabled, they will not be able to proceed to the Dialing Instructions page without accepting the Terms and Conditions pop-up.

 You can control the text shown in the Dialing Report Terms and Conditions pop-up via the Translations page. Look for rows containing the following “Keys” in the Translations grid and enter information on the Terms and Conditions pop-up in the row's “Translations” column (read How to Configure Your Application's Portal for details): 

  • dialing_instructions_terms_and_conditions
  • dialing_instructions_terms_and_conditions_title
SSO Authentication Context If the “SSO Enable Requested Authentication Context” option is set to “Yes”, enter the authentication context.
SSO Auto User Provisioning Enabled

Enable to allow Case IQ to automatically add user accounts based on the information it pulls from the identity provider (see the Single Sign On (SSO) article for an explanation of key SSO terms).

  • If you want Case IQ to automatically create Case IQ accounts for your users via the SSO integration, select “Yes”. Case IQ will create a user account when an individual is first granted access to Case IQ via the SSO connection. If the user’s authentication information is removed from the identity provider, the Case IQ user account will remain active but the individual will not be able to log in to Case IQ.
  • Select “No” if you will be manually creating Case IQ user accounts. In this case, a user will not be able to log into Case IQ via SSO unless: (1) the Case IQ account is created before the individual attempts to log in and (2) their Case IQ account is set as an “SSO user” on their user profile.
SSO Auto User Provision User Role Fallback If you set the “SSO Auto User Provisioning Enabled” option as “Yes”, choose the default user role for Case IQ accounts created via SSO. You will also be able to choose how Case IQ should assign separate user roles to accounts based on identity provider information on the User Mapping section of the Single Sign On (SSO) page (see the Single Sign On (SSO) article for details).
SSO Certificate Enter your identity provider certificate, which will appear as numerous lines of random alphanumeric characters.
SSO Data Mapping You can set up how user data from your identity provider will be mapped to user profile fields on the Single Sign On page in Settings (see the Single Sign On (SSO) article for details).
SSO Enabled Enable to allow Case IQ to use the Single Sign On settings you have configured for an SSO integration with your identity provider. If you want to turn off an existing SSO integration, click “No”.
SSO Enable Requested Authentication Context Enable to provide authentication context for SAML assertions, indicating what information the identity provider will send to Case IQ to make an informed entitlement decision.
SSO Identifier Data Mapping Enter the identity provider attribute to map to the data field you select in the “SSO Identifier Mapping” option. For example, if you select “Email” in “SSO Identifier Mapping”, enter the system name of the email field in your identity provider.
SSO Identifier Format Indicate how identity provider information will be mapped to Case IQ user accounts via the SSO integration. You can select one of the default options available in the “Identifier Format” picklist or type in a custom format and hit Enter on your keyboard.
SSO Identifier Mapping Choose the required data field for creating Case IQ accounts, such as email or first name. The field you choose will tell Case IQ how you want Case IQ to connect information from the identity provider to an Case IQ user profile and how Case IQ should look for existing user profiles.
SSO IdP URL Paste or type your identity provider’s URL in the text box, which will tell Case IQ from what source to accept the authentication information.
SSO Protocol Select “SAML 2.0”. This is currently the only protocol supported by Case IQ.
SSO SP Entity ID Metadata generated by Case IQ as the service provider, which by default is the metadata URL.
SSO URL Metadata generated by Case IQ as the service provider in the following format: “[your application’s URL]/authd/saml”. 
Support Address Set an email address in the footer of emails sent from your application.  
Time Format Choose the format Case IQ should use for time fields, either the 24-hour or 12-hour clock, e.g. “HH:MM am/pm”. Changing the format will update how all time fields are displayed in the application.
Usage Threshold Data Storage Set when System Administrators will be sent a warning notification concerning their stored data allowance by percentage of stored data consumption.  
Usage Threshold Users Set when System Administrators will be sent a warning notification concerning their user account allowance by percentage of user account consumption.