View or Restore a Cancelled Case
You can review all cases cancelled by users of your application on the Cancelled Case page (see Cancel a Case for details on how to cancel cases). Canceling a case:
- Removes the case from the Cases grid.
- Removes the case from reporting data.
- Prevents users from adding records, such as parties or notes, to the case.
- Hides the case from the application, excluding the Cancelled Cases page in Settings.
However, cancelling a case does not delete its data from the system. You can permanently delete a case by purging it (see Purge Records). To see cancelled cases in your application, navigate to the Cancelled Cases page by clicking the System tab in Settings, then selecting "Cancelled Cases" in the page menu.
Restore a Cancelled Case
If you restore a cancelled case, users will be able to access it again and it will reappear on the Cases grid. Timestamps will be recorded on the case's History tab when a case is cancelled and restored, as well as the reason selected for each action. To restore a case:
- Select a row in the Cancelled Cases grid.
- Click the Options (
) button on the case's page.
- Select the “Restore Case” option.
- Use the "Reason" dropdown to indicate why you are restoring the case.
- Click the Save button.