Add an Email Rule and Review Unassigned Incoming Mail
Case IQ's email rules control a variety of functionality to send emails to and from the application. You can create email rules to expand your application's case intake options and manage who can receive emails from and send emails to Case IQ. This article covers how:
- To create the 4 types of email rules: new case creation, case inbox, incoming email filter, and outgoing email filter.
- Users can create cases with new case creation rules.
- Users can send information to cases with case inbox email rules.
- How you can tag emails that were not successfully sent to a case on the Unassigned Incoming Mail page.
To create an email rule, navigate to the Email Rules page under the System tab in Settings.
On the Email Rules page, click the Add Email Rule button to load the New Email Rule form. Select the kind of email rule you want to add in the "Rule Type" field and the form will display more fields based on that email rule type. Refer to the tabs below for steps on filling in the remainder of the New Email Rule form for each email rule type.
New Case Creation
A new case creation email rule allows users to submit cases into your Case IQ application by email, rather than using the in-application New Case form. New case creation rules can be helpful for users that are more inclined to open cases by simply sending an email, instead of logging in to your Case IQ application and creating a case.
When setting up a new case creation rule, you can set (1) the individuals who can use the email rule and (2) the email address for the Case IQ inbox. Cases added via email will be blank, except for their system fields, such as the "Case Number" and "Created Date" fields. You can confirm how a case was added by checking its “Record Source” field, which will be “Email” when it was added via a new case creation rule, rather than “Web” or “External”.
Add a New Case Creation Email Rule
Use the following steps to add a "New Case Creation" email rule:
- On the New Email Rule form, select “New Case Creation” as the "Rule Type".
- In the "Sender Address(es)" field, enter an email domain or a specific email address to the allow list. Only emails you enter in the “Sender Address(es)” will be able to send an email to your application to create a case.
- You can add multiple individual email addresses in the “Sender Address(es)” field, like "".
- Alternatively, you can enter an email domain instead of a specific email address. For example, if you would like any email address with the “” domain to be able to create a case via email, you can enter an asterisk ("*") before the email domain, i.e. "*". The asterisk indicates that the email address can include any text in the beginning but must end with "".
- You can add multiple individual email addresses in the “Sender Address(es)” field, like "".
- In the "System Inbox Address" field, create an email address to use as your application's inbox. The system inbox address will be the email address to which users can send emails to create a case. The domain of your system inbox address must match the domain of your Case IQ application.
- You can determine your application’s domain by checking the URL in your browser window. In this example, the Case IQ application’s URL is “”, so the system inbox email address must end with “”.
- You can determine your application’s domain by checking the URL in your browser window. In this example, the Case IQ application’s URL is “”, so the system inbox email address must end with “”.
- Click the Save button on the New Email Rule form to create your email rule. You can now give the system inbox address to the individuals you allowed in the “Sender Address(es)” field.
Add a New Case with a New Case Creation Rule
To further illustrate how “New Case Creation” rules work, this section shows an example of an email sent to the system inbox set up in the previous steps and the resulting case in a sample application.
The following screenshots compare an email that an individual sent to the system inbox and the new case creation email rule. The sender’s email address ( contains the email domain specified in the email rule (, labelled "1" in the email and new case creation email rule. The email was also sent to the system inbox address,, labelled "2" in both screenshots.
The sample Case IQ application added a case, case 2024-006, when the above email was sent to the system inbox. You can confirm how a case was created by checking the "Record Source" field. In this example, the “Record Source” is “Email” for case 2024-006, as the case was added using a new case creation email rule.
The case's details will be empty, but the email sent to the system inbox to create the case will be added to the case's page.
Case Inbox
Creating a case inbox rule allows users to send emails directly to a case, which will be added to the case in your application. For example, if a case involves an email exchange between two parties, you can send the relevant emails to the case inbox, which will add them as records to the case.
Add a Case Inbox Email Rule
Use the following steps to add a "Case Inbox" email rule:
- On the New Email Rule form, select “Case Inbox” as the "Rule Type".
- In the "Sender Address(es)" field, enter an email domain or a specific email address to the allow list. Only emails you enter in the “Sender Address(es)” will be able to send an email to add to an existing case.
- You can add multiple individual email addresses in the “Sender Address(es)” field, like "".
- Alternatively, you can enter an email domain instead of a specific email address. For example, if you would like any email address with the “” domain to be able to send emails to cases, you can enter an asterisk ("*") before the email domain, i.e. "*". The asterisk indicates that the email address can include any text in the beginning but must end with "".
- You can add multiple individual email addresses in the “Sender Address(es)” field, like "".
- In the "System Inbox Address" field, create an email address to use as your application's inbox. The system inbox address will be the email address to which users can send emails to add to a case. The domain of your system inbox address must match the domain of your Case IQ application.
- You can determine your application’s domain by checking the URL in your browser window. In this example, the Case IQ application’s URL is “”, so the system inbox email address must end with “”.
- You can determine your application’s domain by checking the URL in your browser window. In this example, the Case IQ application’s URL is “”, so the system inbox email address must end with “”.
- Click the Save button on the New Email Rule form to create your email rule. You can now give the system inbox address to the individuals you allowed in the “Sender Address(es)” field.
Sending Emails to Cases with a Case Inbox Rule
To further illustrate how “Case Inbox” rules work, this section shows an example of an email sent to the system inbox set up in the previous steps and the resulting case in a sample application.
To link an email to a case, the email’s subject line must start with the number of an existing case in the system. The following screenshots compare an email sent to the case inbox and the case inbox email rule. The sender’s email address ( contains the email domain specified in the email rule (, labelled "1" in the email and case inbox email rule. The email was also sent to the system inbox address,, labelled "2" in both screenshots.
The system will read all characters before a space in the email subject line as the case number. The email subject line in the example is “2024-003 Harassment Allegation”, which means that the application will search for an existing case with the case number 2024-003. If the system is not able to parse the case number of an email sent to the system inbox, the email will be displayed on the Unassigned Incoming Mail page, where you can manually tag it (see the "Unassigned Incoming Mail" tab of this article for details).
When the email is sent, it was added as a record of case 2024-003, which you can see in-application under the Emails sub-tab on the case’s page. You can reply or forward the email like any other Case IQ email.
Incoming Email Filter
An incoming email filter rule limits who can send emails to your Case IQ application. Only email addresses on the allow list in the incoming email filter rule can send emails to the sample application. In the example for the following section, only the “” can send emails to Case IQ. An incoming email filter will override all other email rules, meaning that emails sent from any other email address will not be received, even if they are included in the "Sender Address(es)" of other email rules.
Add an Incoming Email Filter Rule
Use the following steps to add an "Incoming Email Filter" email rule:
- On the New Email Rule form, select “Incoming Email Filter” as the "Rule Type".
- In the "Sender Address(es)" field, enter an email domain or a specific email address to the allow list. Only emails you enter in the “Sender Address(es)” will be able to send emails to your application.
- You can add multiple individual email addresses in the “Sender Address(es)” field, like "".
- Alternatively, you can enter an email domain instead of a specific email address. For example, if you would like any email address with the “” domain to be able to send emails to Case IQ, you can enter an asterisk ("*") before the email domain, i.e. "*". The asterisk indicates that the email address can include any text in the beginning but must end with "".
- You can add multiple individual email addresses in the “Sender Address(es)” field, like "".
- Click the Save button on the New Email Rule form to create your email rule.
Outgoing Email Filter
An outgoing email filter rule will limit who will receive emails from Case IQ. Only email addresses that are on the allow list in the outgoing email filter rule can receive emails from the application. In the example for the following section, only the “” and "" can receive emails from the sample application. An outgoing email filter will override system notification configurations, meaning that no other users will receive emails from your application, including account management emails and password expiry emails for their profile.
Add an Outgoing Email Filter Rule
Use the following steps to add an "Outgoing Email Filter" email rule:
- On the New Email Rule form, select “Outgoing Email Filter” as the "Rule Type".
- In the "Recipient Address(es)" field, enter an email domain or a specific email address to the allow list. Only emails you enter in the “RecipientAddress(es)” will receive emails from your application.
- You can add multiple individual email addresses in the “Sender Address(es)” field, like “” or "".
- Alternatively, you can enter an email domain instead of a specific email address. For example, if you would like any email address with the “” domain to receive Case IQ emails, you can enter an asterisk ("*") before the email domain, i.e. "*". The asterisk indicates that the email address can include any text in the beginning but must end with "".
- You can add multiple individual email addresses in the “Sender Address(es)” field, like “” or "".
- Click the Save button on the New Email Rule form to create your email rule.
Unassigned Incoming Mail
The Unassigned Incoming Mail page contains emails for which the Case IQ system could not find a matching case. Generally, Case IQ cannot find a matching case because an individual attempted to:
- Send the email to a Case Inbox, but the system was not able to parse the email subject line (see the "Sending Emails to Cases with a Case Inbox Rule" section in the "Case Inbox" tab for details).
- Reply to an email sent from Case IQ, but slightly changed the recipient email address (see more in the "Case IQ Email Keys" tab).
You can find the Unassigned Incoming Mail page under the System tab in Settings.
To add an email to the case that the sender intended, click the email in the Unassigned Incoming Mail grid. The email's page includes the subject and body text, where the sender may have included the relevant case number. You can select a case number in the “Case” field and click Save to properly link the email to the case.
The email will then be linked with the case and can be accessed in the Email’s sub-tab.
Case IQ Email Keys
When a user sends an email from your Case IQ application, the system generates an “email key” to act as the user’s email address. The email key is a random string of characters which the system uses to connect the email thread and the case. Case IQ links emails to cases with email keys so that users can change any other email field as needed. For example, users can change the subject line and the email thread will remain associated with the original case.
Users can reply or Carbon Copy (CC) an email to or from Case IQ and the email will remain linked to the case. However, if the user changes the recipient email address when sending an email to Case IQ, the system will not be able to find the email’s case. In the example below, a user incorrectly pasted the email key into the “To:” field.
The user’s email was sent to the Unassigned Incoming Mail grid instead. To tag this email to a case, click the email in the Unassigned Incoming Mail grid and select the correct case for the email in the “Case” field.
The email will then be linked with the case and can be accessed in the Email’s sub-tab.