Glossaire des termes Case IQ
This is a auto-generated Article of all your definitions within the glossary.
This is a auto-generated Article of all your definitions within the glossary.
The Access Control List is a hierarchy structure of permissions that allows System Administrators to grant and revoke permissions by user role.
A task completed by the user to a record. For example, adding, editing, or deleting a record.
Case Owner
The i-Sight user assigned responsibility for a case record in the system.
child record
A supplemental entity of a case to capture additional relevant information. Users can add multiple child records of different types to one case.
A “Comma-separated Values” file. These files store data in plain text form, where each value or column is separated by a comma character (“,”).
custom record type
A data category that was exclusively developed or built for the application. For example, an “Interview” custom record type is commonly created for applications.
data field
A text box, menu, button, or toggle where a user can enter information for a record. Also referred to as a “field”.
data field type
The kind or category of data stored in a field. For example, a “Date” field type will store calendar date information.
A function that sends data or a file out of the Case IQ application, usually to another application.
Small, rectangular boxes containing text, used to identify and classify cases. Users with the appropriate permissions can set flags to a case using the case menu. Flags will appear beside the favorite icon when set to a case.
form layout
The arrangement of fields for a form type, where users will enter information to save as a record.
A table of records that contains dynamic column headers and filtering options.
The access points by which users interact with and use the application.
investigative team
a group of Case IQ users assigned responsibility to a case record.
How a user moves to different Case IQ pages.
A child record type used to save the details of any person, business, or location, which must be associated with a case.
A dropdown menu that contains a list of values from which a user can select one option.
A standalone record type in Case IQ that you can choose to link to cases, parties, or other profiles. Profiles are often used as a database to quickly create parties for a case.
Permanently remove user-entered data from cases.
A collection of data or information in one entity. A record is created when a user enters information in data fields, then saves the form.
standalone record
An entity that does not need to be associated with a separate case number, i.e. cases and profiles. Users may choose to link other cases and profiles to a case, but it is not required.
standard record type
A data category that is available in every Case IQ application, as part of the standard application rollout for Customers, i.e., case, profile, notes, etc.
System Administrator
A user that manages Case IQ for the business.
user account
A record associated with a person’s email address and name that allows them to access their Case IQ application.
A set of statuses and steps that define a process, which typically represents the life cycle of a record in Case IQ.
The advanced reporting tool that allows Case IQ users to create customized reports.