Add a File
You can upload a file in Case IQ by entering and saving data in a New File form. You can access the New File form in any of the following ways: (1) the Add File button on the Files Grid page, (2) the “+ Add ” button on a case’s page, or (3) the Add File button on a case’s page, under the Files tab.
After loading the New File form, you can fill in the relevant fields. See a description of each New File form field in the list below:
- Case # field: if you click the Add File button or the “+ Add
” button on a case page, the “case number” field will be automatically populated when the New File form is loaded. However, if you access the New File form from the Files page, the “case number” field will need to be manually filled in.
- Kind: define the type of file using the dropdown options. The standard types are: File Upload, Generated Document, Packet, Custom and URL. There will be additional fields on the New File form based on the “Kind” value you select, which are covered in the article tabs below.
- Summary: type in a description of the file.
When you have finished filling in the form, you can click the Save button to submit your file. You can also use the “Save and Copy” option in the Options () button menu to quickly add another file for the same case. The original file record will be saved and another New File form will be loaded. All values that you entered in the previous form will be copied over to the current New File form.
Link a File to Another Record
When adding a file, you can link it with another record, such as a party, note, or to-do, for the same case to show a connection. For example, you could link a file to a party to show that the party provided the file for the investigation. You can link a file on the New File form using the following steps:
- Click the Link (
) button on the New File form.
- In the "View all linked records" pop-up, click the Link Records button.
- Select a "Record link type" for the link. The link type indicates how these records are related to each other.
- Administrators can configure the available record link types in Settings, see Add, Edit, and Delete Record Link Types for details.
- Select one or more records to which you want to link to the file. You can link up to 50 records with the file at once.
- When you have finished choosing the record link type and records, click the Link Records button.
- The links will be created after you save the New File form. When the links are available, they will be displayed on the file's page, the other record's page, and the case's page under the Links tab. You can now close the "View all linked records" pop-up and continue filling in the New File form.
You can add and edit more links after creating the file. Refer to Link a Case's Records for details on editing and deleting record links.
Content Searchable Files
Case IQ can search for text in some files when you run a quick or advanced search (see Search in Case IQ for details on quick and advanced searches). Any text files (.docx, .pdf, or .txt) under 15 MB can be pulled in search results. You will see a magnifying glass icon () in the Files grid beside any files Case IQ can search.

Allow a Portal Reporter to View the File
If the case for which you are adding the file is external and you have the appropriate permissions, you can allow the individual who reported the case to access the file. This means that the reporter can log in to your application's portal and view the file for the case they added. Check the "Allow Reporter Access" checkbox before saving the New File form to let the reporter view the file.
File Upload
Selecting “File Upload” in the “Kind” field will display a file attachment box at the bottom of the New File form. Use the attachment box to upload the file by either (1) clicking the Upload a File from your Computer button and choosing a file from the file browser or (2) dragging and dropping a file from your desktop into the New File form. Only one file can be uploaded per file record. See the types of files you can attach in Supported File Types.
Generated Document
Adding a “Generated Document” type file allows you to create a file based on a template set up by your System Administrator. The system will use the file format to merge information from the case into the template file. For example, your business may require that you send letters to the multiple concerned parties of a case. If your System Administrator has set up a letter template, you can use the letter template to generate letters with consistent formatting and case information included. System Administrators can refer to Create and Upload a Document Template for details.
After selecting “Generated Document” in the “Kind” field, set values for the following picklists in the New File form:
- Locale: specify the language of the template.
- File Type: choose to create the document as a Word (.docx) file or PDF (.pdf).
- Template Name: select one of the template options set by your System Administrator.
After clicking the Save button, Case IQ will generate the document based on the template, which you can access and download from its page (see A File's page).
If you add a “Packet” type file, the system will create a PDF comprised of multiple generated documents populated with case information. Packets are collections of templates set up by your System Administrator, where the application will simultaneously use all the template file formats to merge information from the case into the template content, then gather all the merged documents into one file. You can use packets to summarize all case documentation in one file. Your System Administrator may choose to include, exclude, or allow you to manually select attached files of the case in packet documents. System Administrators can learn more on Packets Page and a Packet's Page.
After selecting “Packet” in the “Kind” field, the “Packet” dropdown will be displayed in the New File form, where you can select the packet option with which to generate the packet PDF. Click the Save button and Case IQ will generate the packet document, which you can access and download from its page (see A File's page).
If you choose a packet option for which you can select the files to include in the PDF, the “Included Files” section and grid will be displayed. To select case files to include in the packet document:
- Click the "+" button in the “Included Files” section.
- In the “Selected Attachments” dropdown, choose a file from the case to include.
- Click the Save button in the Included Files form.
- Repeat to add more files to the document. Delete files by selecting the row in the “Included Files” grid and clicking the Delete button in the grid header.
Custom Packet
You can also create a custom packet when generating a document from the New File form, without selecting an existing packet option created by your System Administrator. When you select the “Custom Packet” option in the “Kind” dropdown, the following fields will be displayed in the New File form:
- Apply page numbering: check the box to ensure that the system adds page numbers to the packet PDF.
- Generate a Table of Contents (ToC): check to add a Table of Contents before the documents to help navigate the packet PDF.
- Include Files attached to Case: you can choose to include all file records of the case, manually select the files to include when generating the packet, or exclude file records in the packet.
- If you choose “Manual Selection”, the “Included Files” section and grid will be displayed. Click the “+” button in the “Included Files” section. Then, choose one of the case’s files to include with the “File” dropdown. Click the Save button in the Included Files form.
- You can add more files by clicking the "+" button in the “Included Files” section. Delete files by clicking the file’s row in the “Included Files” grid, then clicking the Delete button in the “Included Files” section.
- Document generation method: choose if the system should merge the latest case information or use a previously generated document for the template by selecting one of the following options.
- Always New: upon generating the packet, the system will merge each template document using the current case information.
- Most Recent: the system will include the most recently generated document for each template in the packet. If a template has not been used to generate a document for the case yet, the system will create a document using the template to put into the packet.
- Most Recent in Last 3 Days: include the latest document created within the last 3 days for each template in the packet. If a template has not been used to generate a document for the case yet or has not been used in the last 3 days, the system will create a document using the template to put into the packet.
- Only Most Recent: include the latest created document for each template in the packet. Case IQ will not generate a document for any templates that have not been used for the case yet.
Upload a “URL” file to create an easily accessible link to another website. For example, you can add a URL for metadata, a filepath, or a shared drive. After selecting “URL” in the “Kind” field, a “URL” field will be displayed in the New File form, where you can type or paste in a link to a website.